Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Epic New Fantasy Series!! Blades of Allura!

Okay, so that title is only partly true. I published the first book, Ascent of the Holy Blade, a few years ago, but book two is now available and it is awesome! (or so my beta readers have told me)

I know, I know. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of books out there for you, my dear readers to pick up and greedily devour; what makes mine worth your time. Simply put I will entertain you. I do work two jobs and have a family to raise so I can't push out the books as fast as I would like, but there will be at least two more in the Blades of Allura series coming out in the next couple of years along with the first book in an urban fantasy series based on the short story, The Call of Duty. I also hope to have an anthology of short stories out in time for Christmas that will have some new and old tales from from my different worlds.

But back to the BIG NEWS!! Hand of the Black Blade, Book Two in the action packed Blades of Allura series is now available in eBook format from amazon!!

Ascent of the Holy Blade by [Westfall, Eric]
Ascent of the Holy Blade
The Hand of the Black Blade (Blades of Allura) by [Westfall, Eric]
Hand of the Black Blade
Above are the links to books one and two of my epic fantasy series, I hope you give it a chance. As always, Happy reading.