A reader once asked me why I use rape in my stories, and the answer is pretty straight forward. Whenever I use rape in one of my stories it will always be an act performed by an individual of evil nature, and their victim will be innocent of provoking their aggressor.
To me, rape is the most heinous act a human being can inflict upon another human being. Yes, murder is terrible, but the victim is freed from the violent actions done to them. A victim of rape, on the other hand, must live with the nightmares, guilt, and shame of the horrible event that will haunt them for the remainder of their lives. Sure, they can learn to suppress or cope with the memories of the rape, but they can never get back what someone has forcibly stolen from them. EVER. Most of us lose our mind when someone steals a parking spot from us, and such a loss pales considerably when compared to what was taken from a victim of rape.
So, when I can paint rape as the ugly act that it is in my writing, I will do it. That's why I include rape in my books, it's a way for me to voice my opinion on the subject. I've known several woman who have been raped, and I find it disturbing considering how many woman there are in the world and how the number of victims must grow exponentially.
I was raised to respect woman (despite growing up in the Mtv age) and in turn I have passed that belief on to my sons. My daughters have been taught to be strong and that if such a terrible thing ever happens to them, that they aren't to blame, that their family will be there for them, and that the culprit better pray the police find them before I do.
Why? To show it's an act of evil performed by people unable to look past their own selfish desires, and to see the hurt that they cause.