Monday, July 20, 2015

Maps, Maps, Who Doesn't Love Maps

Here's an early sketch of the kingdom of Avolund from my novel, Ascent of the Holy Blade. I have been reworking it to more accurately reflect the geography of the on-going series and plan on including it in the second novel in the Blades of Allura saga.

Happy Reading

Thursday, July 9, 2015

My Book is in a Local Store!!

I would like to give a big shout out to Edje Video Trader. They are selling copies of my novel in their store as of yesterday!  Thanks Ed and Kat, you have made one of my dreams come true! So if you are around Bluffton, IN, stop in and get yourself a copy.

My new publisher's version of my book combined with the interest being shown by the community has really helped to get my muse going. I'm really starting to pump out the words for Ascent of the Holy Blades sequel and hope to have the rough draft done by by late summer. There's going to be some happy beta readers soon!

Happy Reading