Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy Holiday and new sketches!

As we enter the big holiday season I just want to wish everyone a safe and joy filled few weeks. I know I haven't been posting in my blog lately, and I'm sorry for that. To be honest there really hasn't been much to blog about. I did do a local author event at my hometown Wells County Public Library and it was a good time. Met some great people and hopefully some soon to be readers of my work.

I have spent most of my writing time working on the second Blades of Allura book and I'm steadily closing in on the end. I hope to have a couple of copies for some lucky beta readers right around Christmas. Till then, here are a couple of sketches of my view of Heaven's Justice and Goldeneyes- a important villain from my first novel. I'm not the best artist, but I hope it gives you a rough idea of what I see when I write.

Happy Reading

Goldeneyes-Skyling chief

Heaven's Justice

Saturday, October 10, 2015

New Blades of Allura Art!!

     I hired a local artist to do a rendition of a cover for Who I Am, Ox's Tale. This was the end result.
Cover to Who I Am, Ox's Tale
Artwork by Nick Gatto

     For those that haven't read it, the short story is about Oxuberoth, a Mortae Une gladiator from my novel, Ascent of the Holy Blade. Ox (as he is most commonly called) has been one of the novel's favorite characters, and fans wanted to hear more so I wrote Who I Am, Ox's Tale to give the background story for the silent guardian. (link to follow post)

Happy Reading

Monday, July 20, 2015

Maps, Maps, Who Doesn't Love Maps

Here's an early sketch of the kingdom of Avolund from my novel, Ascent of the Holy Blade. I have been reworking it to more accurately reflect the geography of the on-going series and plan on including it in the second novel in the Blades of Allura saga.

Happy Reading

Thursday, July 9, 2015

My Book is in a Local Store!!

I would like to give a big shout out to Edje Video Trader. They are selling copies of my novel in their store as of yesterday!  Thanks Ed and Kat, you have made one of my dreams come true! So if you are around Bluffton, IN, stop in and get yourself a copy.

My new publisher's version of my book combined with the interest being shown by the community has really helped to get my muse going. I'm really starting to pump out the words for Ascent of the Holy Blades sequel and hope to have the rough draft done by by late summer. There's going to be some happy beta readers soon!

Happy Reading

Sunday, June 7, 2015

New Paperbacks available for Ascent of the Holy Blade!!!

Finally! They are here!  The paperbacks for Ascent of the Holy Blade are available from Wynwidyn Press. You can purchase them from amazon or Storeny. I hope you enjoy it. 
Happy Reading

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Camp is Over...and it was Rainy

     Well, Camp NaNoWriMo 2015 is over and I didn't achieve what I had hoped to, but on the bright side I did better than I ever have in the past. On the positive side camp did ignite my writing once again and allowed me to bust through the block I had been experiencing-so that's a good thing. I'm pretty optimistic I will achieve my spring/summer writing goals. What that translates into is that I will finish my second novel and continue to contribute to Lorekeeper's Inn on a regular basis. As a side note, the stories I post in Lorekeeper's can also be found on wattpad.

     One of the contributing factors to me missing my goals for camp was the finding of a series I have really enjoyed reading. The Dragon Brigade Series by Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes  have transported me back to my high school days where I would stay up late devouring Dragonlance novels and lose myself for hours in the amazing cover art of Larry Elmore.

     I like to read a mixture of fantasy, from heroic and high fantasy to the new wave of grimdark novels. I'm a fantasy junkie that enjoys characters I can relate to with larger than life heroes and heroics that are sprinkled with a liberal dash of hulking swords and momentous battles. I have to say that now is a great time to be a reader of this absolutely wonderful genre.

Happy Reading


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Another free chapter from Ascent of the Holy Blade!

    I have posted another chapter from my novel for free on wattpad. Here is the link: Ascent of the Holy Blade, Chapter 7. Hope you enjoy it and please feel free to leave comments on my blog or wattpad. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it.

As always, happy reading

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ascent of the Holy Blade, Chapter 6 for Free!!

     Here is the link for chapter 6 of my novel, Ascent of the Holy Blade. Ascent of the Holy Blade, Chapter 6. Hope you enjoy it and remember the entire book is available in eBook form from

Happy Reading


Monday, April 13, 2015

Camp NaNoWriMo and Everything Else

     I started this years Camp NaNoWriMo in the hope that it would help me break through some motivational issues and writer's block I have been dealing with. With a little over a week into the contest I feel like I am falling behind, and let me say that really sucks. I don't even have a good excuse; I could blame my wife babysitting but that's what headphones were invented for and that wouldn't be very nice of me. Honestly I think it's just that the weather has been so nice to be outside in, and after another hard winter I just struggle being inside.

     Good news though, I have written several more pages on my new novel and sequel to Ascent of the Holy Blade, just not as much as I would have liked to. Also, I am slowly getting the second chapter of The Unwilling Package done. I work on this during my breaks at work so it's a little slow going. To be honest I might need to change the name, it doesn't flow very well. Originally I had thought it would be a short story but I think it could turn into a novella- only time will tell.

     As far as my novel, Ascent of the Holy Blade, goes, sales are sluggish and reviews are nonexistent. If you are a fan of fun and fast paced fantasy, I really suggest you give my book a go. I won't lie to you and say it's a perfect book, but I will promise you that if you read it to the end you will enjoy the tale. To give you readers a larger taste of the book I will be releasing a few more chapters on Wattpad today.  I really hope you take the time to check it out.

      Once again, here is the link to my novel on Amazon. Ascent of the Holy Blade ebook
Happy Reading

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

New Story!!!

     Starting a couple of months ago I decided to work with another author and post our stories on a new blog entitled Lorekeeper's Inn. He and I  will post stand alone tales a long with co-operative stories set in a shared world- the idea being that we build off each other and maybe create enough stories to do an anthology.

     My first contribution to this world has been posted, The Unwilling Package, Chapter One. It is an introductory tale to show readers how Lorekeeper's Inn and its proprietor help people in the Yolzin Empire. I will be updating the tale with new chapters as I squeeze them in between working on my second novel and sequel to Ascent of the Holy Blade while balancing work at the factory and my son starting baseball.

     Last fall I tried to do NaNoWriMo and failed miserably, I think I wrote about 6,000 words. I blame World of Warcraft for releasing their new expansion that month and my weakness for that accursed game. Anyway, next month is the start of Camp NaNoWriMo and I have signed up with the goal of achieving what I failed to do last November. I will be working on Hand of the Black Blade and hoping that the contest will give me the drive to finish it.

     April is going to be a busy month but I'm looking forward to the challenge. Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Looking Forward

It's been awhile since I last posted on a Writer's Sojourn so I'm going to do a quick update on what's been going on and where I hope to be going.

Unfortunately I have had a bit of writing blues over the last few months and my new book has taken a hit, but fear not I believe the darkness has passed and I have been writing away once more. I've contributed to my other author blog a first chapter for a new ongoing tale in a shared universe with author Justin O' neal. It is titled, The Unwilling Package and is the first part of a three or four part tale. Please take a look and feel free to offer comments and share if you enjoy it. The more interest in it, the more likely I will feel the desire to work on that project. Here's the link The Unwilling Package, A Lorekeeper's Tale

I have had to push back the ordering of the paperback versions of Ascent of the Holy Blade due to financial reasons. Work at the factory has been reduced and heating bills have been insanely high this winter so concessions have had to been made on my part, but hopefully that will change in a month or two. Remember that the eBook from Wynwidyn Press is available from Amazon and, if you have read it please post a review. It would really help out. Thank you in advance. Again here is the link for my first (and only so far) book. Ascent of the Holy Blade eBook

That pretty much sums it up in a nutshell. Happy reading.


Monday, January 26, 2015

A Little About Me

     Today's post is going to be a little different than my previous ones. I'm going to talk about my background, when I started to read and write, and what I have going on right now with writing and life in general.

     I would hazard a guess and say that I differ than most writers as I have had no formal education beyond high school. When I graduated back in 1991 I went straight away into the workforce, and with an exception of about five years, I have been a blue collar factory worker the entire time. Although factory work can be a bit dull and repetitious; I have found that it allows my mind to disconnect and create worlds, characters, and storylines. A few of my coworkers have thought me a bit odd at times when I have been caught acting out scenes from stories or working out a fight sequence, but that's what we are anyways-there's something a little different about writers that make them want to tell their stories.

     Reading came to me at an early age. I read The Hobbit the summer between first and second grade, and as a reward for my interest in reading I was gifted the first four books in Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Martian Tales series. To this day I still have those four books. Many hours were lost losing myself in those fantastic covers. The behaviors and manners of John Carter in those books set the ideals of what a man, husband, and father should be to me. I cried after watching that horrendous movie that came out a few years ago.

     Naturally the next step of being an avid reader was to try my hand at writing, and of course all my stories were in the realms of the fantastic. My junior year I took a creative writing class and the teacher and I butted heads on many occasions. He didn't approve of my fantasy approach to everything and on the final assignment he forbid me to do anything that involved the past- but science fiction was okay. Seems kind of odd as at one time the two were linked together. So I did a futuristic tale of a vigilante that fought gangs that were filled with ninjas and mutants (it was the late 80's after all).

     About that time I discovered the author that has influenced my style of writing the most-R. A. Salvatore. Mr. Salvatore's battle sequences and characters in his early works inspired me to finally take writing more seriously and eventually I finished  a manuscript I was happy with. Since that time I have written several short stories, one novel length manuscript and I have a handful of novels in the works. Currently I am working on the second book in The Blades of Allura series and contributing to a blog of short stories with another friend and fellow author. 

     That's me in a nutshell, along with that I have been married to my beautiful wife for eighteen years and we have five wonderful children we have raised together.

Happy Reading.


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Crooks, Con-artists, or as I like to call them, 2 Moon Press

A few years ago I took my manuscript to a self-publishing company and was bamboozled. The finished product was mediocre at best with a poor cover and lousy editing. Yes I had to sign off on everything, but after constantly going back and forth I realized that was as good as it was going to get.

When it came to sales I received a pittance of my royalties and that was only after I informed them I knew that in their store alone I made enough to get a check cut. As far as promoting my book as they promised..nope didn't happen.

Since then the company quickly changed hands and even quicker disappeared off the face of the earth...until now.

I have since found a new publisher and they created a book with a great cover and did a much better job on editing, all in all creating a much better final product. They posted my eBook for sale on Amazon last week with paperbacks to come later in the year.

Since the posting of my new eBook, my old publisher has listed paperbacks for sale with the old cover. I thought that all old copies of my book were to be returned, but it seems that wasn't what happened. So I am asking to please not purchase any paperbacks from 2 Moon Press, and to only purchase copies of Ascent of the Holy Blade published by Wynwidyn Press.
New and authorized copy of novel
Old cover done by 2 Moon Press

Sorry about any confusion this may cause.


Saturday, January 3, 2015