It's official, my old publisher is no more and I will try to get their bogus copies of my book,
Ascent of the Holy Blade, out of the marketplace
. I would like to thank everyone who bought a copy, either paperback or digital, and I am sorry for the quality of the book. 2 Moon Press talked a lot of talk but they rarely delivered with their product.
On the other side of that leaf, I have found a new publisher in Wynwidyn Press. They put out quality books and have had success with their writers despite being relatively new to the business. I am looking forward to my partnership with them.
My new (or should I say only) editor and I have started reworking
AotHB this week and I am already very excited about the new level Drew is helping my book reach. Unfortunately this may slow down the sequel
Hand of the Black Blade, but hopefully I can manage to do both.
Also there will be new cover artwork which will pertain more directly to the book-something I am also very excited about.
Happy Reading