Friday, October 14, 2011

Good and Bad

     Well the deadline for my manuscript submission to Larson-Pomada Literary Agents has come and went without the bells and trumpets an aspiring author would hope for.  Its to be expected.  But I haven't given up hope.  Ascent of the Holy Blade is a great story and I refuse to give up on it so I will continue to submit query letters to possible literary agents in the fantasy genre.  That is until early next year when I will self publish with 2 Moon Press out of Jackson, Michigan.
     I really like what they offer to a new writer as in the promotional aspect of marketing an author's book and a few other little things they do to make the author feel like they are a legitimate writer.
     On a up note, my youngest son is getting into reading and was scrounging for something to get his greedy little fingers on.  Well it just happens that I have written a few children's picture books and I handed him one titled Icee the Snow Dragon which he took to school to read.  His teacher happened to notice what he was reading and ended up reading it to the class.  Much to ease the bruising of the rejection I had received the class and the teacher enjoyed Icee very much.
      It might be time to switch up genres and work on those children's stories and try my hand at getting some picture books published.
      All in all its been a up and down couple of weeks for my writing.  The teacher reading my story to the class and they in turn enjoying it helped remove some of the sting from the rejection and I have also signed up for NaNo this year.  I have never done the November Nation Novel writing month contest and it will be a real challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days but I feel it will be an excellent exercise to stimulate my tired creative brain and hopefully getting back on track to my dream of becoming a full-time writer.
      Oh, and I know I promised to get another short story on my blog and I apologize for not delivering yet.  The one I want to post hasn't been printed out yet and I am to lazy to just minimize everything to have the two programs open at once.  I like having the paper version before me as I type it into the computer.  I am funny like that, but I promise I will have Forsaken posted before Halloween is upon us.